Weeping tunnel
The legends of the old railways
“Many say, and it is a confirmed truth: whoever drinks water from the tunnel (...) no longer forgets this blessed land. It is as if it were a link between the useful and the pleasant. ”
(Laudelina Marinho Nogueira – D. Nina)
Known by the Santarritenses only as a tunnel, it is a must-see for anyone visiting Santa Rita de Jacutinga.
The tunnel was built from 1916 to 1918 for the Central do Brasil Railway, which brought the city to the city with the link with the then capital of the Republic, the city of Rio de Janeiro.
After the end of railway activities at the municipality's headquarters, the tunnel became a place where residents and tourists take the opportunity to cool off with the cold water from their water mines.
The tunnel tour is part of the City Tour offered by the Gil Cunha Guide and also takes the visitor to another important tourist spot, the former Pontilhão da Rede.
Come with your bike, on horseback, on foot and even by motorcycle or car, but be sure to cross the tunnel and contemplate one of the best views of the city, with Cachoeira do Areal opening the doors of Cidade das Cachoeiras and with a beautiful view view of the Mother Church in the background!
Fonte: NOGUEIRA. Laudelina Marinho, A cidade das Cachoeiras: Santa Rita de Jacutinga e sua história. 2a.ed. rev. e ampliada. (Santa Rita de Jacutinga, edição particular, 1985).
O Patrimônio Ferroviário de Santa Rita de Jacutinga. Disponível em: http://viagemnostrilhos.blogspot.com.br/2010/07/o-patrimonio-ferroviario-de-santa-rita.html . Acessado em 27/10/2014.